City of Jasper, GA
The mission of the DDA is to foster and encourage cooperative public- private efforts to design spaces and landscapes where people can appreciate the jewels of shared historic heritage in order to sustain, grow, develop, and enhance economic prosperity and community well-being.
The purpose of the DDA is to develop and promote trade, commerce, industry and employment opportunities within the central business district.
Board Members
The DDA is a volunteer board, nominated by the Mayor and appointed by the Jasper city council, comprised of business owners and citizens of Jasper, GA.
Chair - Amy Leake
Vice Chair - Parish Lowrie
Secretary & Treasurer - Vacant
Director 4 - Jack Dunn
Director 5 - Marty Callahan
Director 6 - Sonny Proctor
Director 7 - Vacant
All DDA meetings are open to the public, and citizens are encouraged to attend. Meetings are held on the 4th Monday of each month at 5:30 PM. in the City Council Chambers, located at 200 Burnt Mountain Rd, Jasper, GA.
Meeting Minutes will be available, upon approval from DDA Board Members, (usually 30 to 60 days after the DDA Meeting).
DDA Meetings are open to the public. Citizens are invited and encouraged to attend.
Questions or Comments?
We welcome feedback and questions from the community.